Final Blog Post – Reflection – My Elit Piece

In the past months, I’ve been involving myself to the world of electronic literature thanks to our amazing class. Learning about the many different types of electronic literature helped me in developing ideas and understanding about how to construct my own electronic piece.

For my own electronic piece, I went with the style of interactive literature. This is one of my favorites among the many types. This being the case, my piece is one that focuses on the concept of relationships, thus mainly dealing with drama, love, choices, and understanding one’s role in a relationship. This is something that can be experienced through the main character (Kyle), and his relationship with two female characters. Kyle is offered two endings as part of choices. Each of these provides Kyle a different lifestyle and love life, with one being more positive than the others. It is up to the reader to choose the type of relationship Kyle should have and with whom, though the choices of interaction built in the story as part of a roadmap.

The main central inquiry of the work is to: enhance awareness on the difference between a good and a bad relationship. Also, to educate readers (who might be able to relate to the situation presented in this work) on dealing with such experience.

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